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Welcome to the Month of Active Recovery

Anjhe Mules in Contributors - 03 Oct 2018

London Summer – officially the best on record and for most, this has meant a whirlwind of non-stop travel, roof-top bars and lounging in the park. But all good things must come to an end and not surprisingly, October feels like the ‘transitional month.’ Not yet Winter but cool enough to don a coat and rejoice (perhaps over-enthusiastically) whenever the sun graces us with her ever-dwindling presence. But rather than accept my impending fate of binge-watching Netflix, I have challenged myself to embrace the ‘transition’.

Which is why, this month on The Fit it is all about active recovery– a time to welcome a slower pace, yet still live in the moment and make the most of what this city has to offer. And let’s face it we have no excuses; with Frieze, London Literature Festival and Restaurant Month all falling in October there is plenty to enrich the mind and body- in a slow, steady and in-doors kind-of-way. 

Carla Calder, Editor